Veteran actor Dharmendra celebrated his 89th birthday on Sunday (December 8). He marked the occasion with his sons, Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol. A video of Sunny and Bobby is now winning hearts online, where the elder son is seen requesting everyone to give some space to his father so he could rest peacefully after the celebrations.
In the video, Sunny is seen requesting Dharmendra’s fans and the paparazzi to step outside as the area had become too crowded. The paparazzi and fans easily understood the situation and responded positively to the actor's plea. In the clip, Dharmendra is seen sitting on a chair in front of a large poster of himself after cutting the cake with fans and the paparazzi. Bobby is seen standing beside his father, while Sunny ensures some fresh air for him.
Another video from the day also went viral, showing Dharmendra holding his sons’ hands and kissing them after the cake-cutting ceremony. Dharmendra wore a brown shirt under a black jacket and pants, while Sunny opted for a white shirt and denim jeans. Bobby was seen in a white vest and trousers.
Earlier, Dharmendra's wife, actress Hema Malini, and daughter Esha Deol shared their heartfelt wishes on social media. Hema tweeted, “A day to celebrate! Happiest Birthday to the man of my dreams. I hold your heart as you hold mine ever since we first met many years ago. We have been through good times and bad, always together, steadfast in our love for each other. I look forward to being dazzled by your charm for many more years to come. May God bless you with good health and happiness always.”
The actress also shared some adorable clicks with Dharmendra in her birthday post.
Dharmendra celebrates his 88th birthday with fans; Sunny Deol holds his father's hand
On the work front, Dharmendra was last seen in the Shahid Kapoor and Kriti Sanon-starrer ‘Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya’. He will next be seen in ‘Ikkis’ alongside Amitabh Bachchan's grandson, Agastya Nanda. Directed by Sriram Raghavan, the film is expected to get a release date soon.