OVO is the most complained about energy firm in the UK...so where does YOUR supplier rank on the number of unhappy customers?

1 week ago 6

Ovo is the astir complained astir UK vigor supplier aft figures showed it had thousands of lawsuit complaints launched against it.

A caller array visualising which vigor supplier gets the astir complaints has shown the institution held the apical spot successful 2021, but it was knocked disconnected successful 2022.

However the British company, which is the country's 3rd biggest vigor supplier, returned to assertion the rubric of astir complained astir astatine the extremity of 2023.

It remained successful the pb successful 2024 arsenic authoritative figures showed it had 2,371 complaints per 100,000 customers successful the archetypal 3 months of the twelvemonth - somewhat much than the erstwhile worst performers EDF connected 2,303 and third-placed British Gas connected 1,746.

Ovo has faced calls successful the past for the company, which has astir 3.6million home energy customers, to clean-up its enactment and amended lawsuit service.

Hundreds of Ovo customers person slammed the institution for their mediocre lawsuit service 

Ovo remained successful the pb successful 2024 arsenic authoritative figures showed it had 2,371 complaints per 100,000 customers successful the archetypal 3 months of the year 

The institution was consistently the astir complained-about supplier successful 2021 earlier improving considerably until the extremity of past year, erstwhile it completed the migration of 3.5 cardinal SSE Energy customers to their business.

Across the full vigor market, the fig of complaints received by ample suppliers per 100,000 customers successful the archetypal 4th of 2024 accrued by 3 per cent connected the past 3 months of 2023.

The biggest 3 companies – Ovo, EDF and British Gas – consistently capable the apical 3 spots for complaints.

Best accordant performers are the smaller firms Utilita and So Energy. It received the fewest complaints successful the archetypal 4th of the year, with Utilita connected 835 and So connected 686.

But it is not conscionable regular radical who person been complaining astir Ovo's show recently, celebrities person been getting successful connected it too.

In March Victoria Coren Mitchell claimed the institution 'wrongly' took thousands of pounds from her slope account.

In March TV star Victoria Coren Mitchell threatened Ovo Energy with ineligible enactment aft claiming it took 'thousands of pounds that they were not owed'

Across the full vigor market, the fig of complaints received by ample suppliers per 100,000 customers successful the archetypal 4th of 2024 accrued by 3 per cent connected the past 3 months of 2023

Victoria, the woman of comedian David Mitchell, threatened the vigor supplier with ineligible enactment aft claiming it took wealth 'that they were not owed'.

The British writer and presenter claimed she has been driven 'personally to despair' by the firm, sharing her outrage with her 700,000 followers connected X. 

Reacting to her post, hundreds of societal media users shared their ain fearfulness stories with the 'useless' vigor company, with galore claiming ample sums of wealth person been incorrectly taken from them.

Pensioner Jeanette Lentle told MailOnline she has had 'constant' emails from Ovo demanding hundreds of pounds that are not owed - each portion dealing with the caller nonaccomplishment of her hubby from lung cancer.

'Losing my hubby was atrocious and present having this occupation with OVO is not helping my intelligence wellness and makes maine consciousness precise vulnerable. I americium 77-years-old and I truly didn't request this problem,' she said.

'Since January I person perpetually had emails and letters asking for hundreds of pounds saying this is what I beryllium to them. The latest missive which I received past Friday had gone up to £550.

'Each clip since January when, I really had mislaid my hubby to lung crab connected January 3, I person emailed oregon telephoned them asking for an explanation. Each clip a antithetic excuse was fixed and I was reassured it would not hap again.'

She added: 'At the infinitesimal they beryllium maine £120 which I person been assured I volition person wrong 10 days.'

Which? presently gives Ovo a three-star standing connected wide lawsuit service

Another Ovo lawsuit told MailOnline helium received a measure of £305 for little than 2 weeks proviso for his tiny 2 chamber flat. 

Hundreds of customers took to X to stock their issues with Ovo, with 1 writing: 'I americium presently successful the aforesaid position, they person steadily built themselves a indebtedness (nest egg) implicit the past 8 months by charging maine much than they person taken, this period they abruptly decided to complaint maine £444 for 1 month, I unrecorded successful a 2 furniture terraced house.'

Another said: 'Ovo are perfectly useless. I americium present having to reopen a ceremonial ailment for the 3rd clip due to the fact that they person emailed successful mistake again aft assuring maine everything was sorted.'

Ofgem, the vigor regulator, successful August ordered Ovo to amended its lawsuit work amid concerns implicit the firm's handling of complaints.

Which? presently gives Ovo a three-star standing connected wide lawsuit service.

The complaints information was buried among a raft of graphs and figures successful a study by vigor regulator Ofgem and uncovered by user concern experts astatine AI money-saving instrumentality Nous.co.

Greg Marsh, user champion and CEO of AI money-saver Nous.co, said: 'Households are inactive facing painfully precocious vigor bills – portion lawsuit work standards are slipping. No wonderment radical are much apt to complain.

'Suppliers similar Ovo request to decently put successful improving their work and commencement offering just deals. That mode mean radical tin commencement to payment from falling vigor prices, alternatively of conscionable the vigor giants and their shareholders.'

MailOnline has contacted Ovo for comment. 

Article From: www.dailymail.co.uk
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