Former Shark Tank India judge Ashneer Grover seemingly trolled Ranveer Singh in a cutting post amid the ongoing Maldives row. Although Ashneer refrained from naming Ranveer, social media users were pretty sure that the entrepreneur indeed referred to the actor in his now-viral post. It all began after Ranveer used a picture of the Maldives by mistake in a post that he had shared in order to promote tourism in Lakshadweep.
The post was deleted by Ranveer but the internet, as you know by now, neither forgives, nor forgets. Ranveer was trolled as screenshots of his post were circulated on the internet. Ashneer, meanwhile, was swift enough to notice it, and he commented on the matter but, of course, while maintaining the anonymity of the “movie star” he referred to in his post.
Ashneer shared comedian Vir Das’s post, and said, “Thirdly there is some movie star, previously inactive on twitter, who is now copy pasting the same message to visit Indian islands - without knowing where Lakshadweep is and in parallel hiding previous Maldives story on insta.”
Take a look at Ashneer Grover’s post here:
A cursory glance at the comments section will help you understand that the internet did not take much time to identify the “movie star” Ashneer was referring to in his post.
“Ranveer Singh is that some movie star,” a comment reads. Another user said, “Ranveer Singh you mean? You can say it openly.”
Take a look at the comments here:
And then, there were these comments as well.
This was Ranveer Singh’s post that he has now deleted.
After the backlash, Ranveer shared the same post again, without any picture though.
A massive row was triggered after the Maldives Deputy Minister, along with other cabinet members and government officials, made disparaging references to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Lakshadweep visit.
PM Modi visited the Union Territory of Lakshadweep on January 2 and shared several pictures, including an 'exhilarating experience' of him trying his hand at snorkelling.
Published On:
Jan 9, 2024
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