A host of celebrities on Monday shared photos of the Ram Lalla idol to mark the inauguration of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya. Shilpa Shetty shared a video and requested everyone to welcome the Lord with 'open arms and minds.'
She wrote, "Shri Ram Rameti Rameti Rame Rame Manorame. Sahastranaam Tattulyam Ramnaam Varanne. Meaning: Lord Shiva says to Parvati, 'O Sumukhi! The name Ram is similar to the 1008 names of Lord Vishnu. That's why I always keep reciting the name of Ram. By chanting the name of Ram, all the sins of the universe remain freed.' I am making a sincere request to all the countrymen, all of you should welcome Ramlala ji with your body and mind."
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Mahesh Babu's wife and former actor Namrata Shirodkar also shared a photo of the idol and mentioned in a long-ish note, "Amidst the echoes of history and the sanctity of faith, the grand opening of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya heralds a timeless symbol of unity and spirituality. Extremely proud to witness history unfold!"
Singer Shreya Ghosal shared a video of Prime Minister Narendra Modi from the temple and wrote on her Instagram handle, "Jai Shree Ram. My eyes are filled with tears of joy to see the divine face of Ram Lalla."
Celebrities such as Arjun Bijlani, Nimrat Kaur, director Maruthi, Maniesh Paul and others also shared similar celebratory posts and photos on the happy occasion.
Various personalities from different fields attended the Ram Mandir consecration ceremony on January 22 in Ayodhya.
Published By:
Anvita Singh
Published On:
Jan 22, 2024