Rajasthan Education Minister Madan Dilawar was slammed by Muslim groups after a video showed him doing 'Surya Namaskar' with kids in Jaipur. The controversy comes after the Rajasthan High Court on Wednesday dismissed a petition filed by the Rajasthan Muslim Forum, challenging the state government’s order mandating 'Surya Namaskar' during the assembly at every school.
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Farmers hopeful of positive talks with Centre; Scheduled caste panel chief heads to Sandeshkhali
Amidst the call for the 'Delhi Chalo' march by the farmers, the Centre and farmer leaders are gearing up for a third round of discussions amidst the ongoing 'Delhi Chalo' march, which has seen thousands of farmers vowing to push ahead with their protest. Union Ministers Arjun Munda, Piyush Goyal, and Nityanand Rai are set to meet with representatives of the protesting farmer unions via video conferencing today evening. In other news, the National Commission of Schedule Caste chief Arun Halder will visit the violence-hit Sandeshkhali on Thursday.
PM Modi talks with Qatar counterpart in Doha; Farmer leaders to hold talks with Centre
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said he had a “wonderful” meeting with his Qatari counterpart Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani here and discussed ways to strengthen ties between the two countries. In other news, The Centre and farmer leaders are gearing up for a third round of discussions amidst the ongoing 'Delhi Chalo' march, which has seen thousands of farmers vowing to push ahead with their protest. Union Ministers Arjun Munda, Piyush Goyal, and Nityanand Rai are set to meet with representatives of the protesting farmer unions via video conferencing today evening.
Court delivers unanimous verdict on electoral bonds, says 'information essential'
The Supreme Court has delivered a unanimous verdict in the electoral bonds case, stating that "information is essential for the right to vote." The top court emphasised that voters have the right to essential information necessary for casting their votes, and political parties play a crucial role in the electoral process. Launched in January 2018, electoral bonds are financial instruments that individuals or corporate entities can purchase from a bank and present to a political party, which can subsequently redeem them for funds.