Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his reply to the Motion of Thanks to the President's Address, launched a sharp attack at the Opposition and the INDIA bloc in his last Parliament speech ahead of the national elections scheduled for this year. "The Congress' shop on verge of closure in its attempt to launch same product again and again," he said in a swipe at Rahul Gandhi.
"The alignment of alliance is ruined, PM Modi's swipe at INDIA bloc," PM Modi said about the INDIA bloc
President Droupadi Murmu had addressed the joint sitting of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha on January 31, the first day of the Budget Session.
Meanwhile, the Bharatiya Janata Party has issued a three-line whip to all its MPs in Lok Sabha to be present in the Lower House on the fourth day of the ongoing Budget Session.
The last session before Lok Sabha polls expected to be held in April-May this year will be spread over eight sittings spread over a period of 10 days and may conclude on February 9.