The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC), India's richest civic body, on Friday presented a Rs 59,954.75 crore budget for the year 2024-25.
The budgetary estimates this time are 10.5 per cent more than the 2023-24 amount of Rs 54,256.07 crore.
The civic administration presented the budget to municipal commissioner Iqbal Singh Chahal, who was appointed as BMC administrator by the state government after the five-year term of corporators ended in March 2022.
"The budget estimates for the financial year 2024-25 are proposed at Rs 59,954.75 crore, which exceeds the budget estimates of 2022-23, that is Rs 54,256.07 crore, by 10.5 per cent," said the budget document.
This is the second time after 1985 that the BMC administration has presented the budget to an administrator as the five-year term of its corporators has ended.