Prime Minister Narendra Modi has urged students to use smartphones for educational purposes instead of indulging in endless scrolling through reels. Addressing students during the annual event 'Pariksha Pe Charcha' on January 29, he emphasised the importance of finding a balance between studies and leisure activities.
Responding to a query from a Class 12 student regarding managing studies alongside exercise, the Prime Minister highlighted the detrimental effects of excessive smartphone usage on both physical and mental health.
The Prime Minister urged, "While most of us are glued to our mobile phones, some may find themselves spending hours on end. But have you ever considered withholding the charge, intentionally limiting your usage? Just as we charge our phones daily, shouldn't we also prioritise recharging our bodies, which endure the demands of daily life?"
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The Prime Minister drew parallels between the necessity of charging mobile phones and recharging one's body, emphasising that just as a phone needs regular charging, our bodies require adequate rest and care. He stressed the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between academic commitments and personal well-being.
Highlighting the significance of sleep, PM Modi cautioned against sacrificing rest for endless scrolling through reels, which often leads to a loss of valuable time and sleep. He underlined the need for students to prioritise their health and well-being, suggesting simple measures such as studying outdoors in sunlight to rejuvenate the body.