A man caused a stir at Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel District Hospital in Satna, Madhya Pradesh on Saturday when he brought his grandfather directly into the emergency ward on a motorcycle.
Deepak Gupta drove his motorcycle directly into the hospital's emergency ward with his grandfather accompanied by another individual.
A man caused a stir at Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel District Hospital in Satna, Madhya Pradesh on Saturday when he brought his grandfather directly into the emergency ward on a motorcycle.
The man is an outsourced employee at the hospital responsible for preparing patient charts.
Deepak Gupta, a resident of Tikuriya Tola in the district, drove his motorcycle directly into the hospital's emergency ward with his grandfather, Moti Lal Gupta, accompanied by another individual.
A video of the incident has since gone viral on social media. Despite the hospital being equipped with stretchers and other facilities, the actions of the outsourced employee responsible for patient charts are now being discussed. The hospital management has chosen to remain silent on the matter.
(With inputs from Venkatesh Dwivedi)
Published By:
Vivek Mishra
Published On:
Feb 11, 2024