The coastal constituency of Cuddalore in Tamil Nadu is faced with a significant annual battle against the monsoon season due to its geographic location and sea-level regions. These environmental challenges have a profound impact on the lives and occupations of the 238,000 voters predominantly involved in agriculture and fisheries. The ongoing issue poses an important question for the upcoming elections - whether the current MP G. Iyappan from DMK and the previous MP M. C. Sampath have effectively addressed these challenges or not. The residents of Cuddalore are urgently seeking governmental relief to mitigate the annual damage caused by the monsoon. How much this issue will impact the election results is a question that only the people of Cuddalore can answer.
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Lok Sabha polls 2024: All about Alathur Constituency
As we head towards the 2024 Lok Sabha Elections, all eyes are on Alathur Parliamentary Constituency, a Reserved Seat carved out by the Delimitation Commission of India in 2002. Located in the Palakkad district, this constituency presents a vibrant amplification of Kerala's politics.
Lok Sabha polls 2024: All about Thiruvananthapuram Constituency
Dive into the rich heritage and dynamic political landscape of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala's cultural and administrative capital. Home to the illustrious Sri Padmanabhaswamy temple and the enchanting Kovalam beach, Thiruvananthapuram offers a diverse tapestry of experiences for both locals and tourists.
Lok Sabha polls 2024: All about Palakkad Constituency
Our feature dives into the political landscape of the Palakkad Parliamentary Constituency, central to the state of Kerala. Renowned for its stunning mountain landscapes and lush fields, Palakkad is also notable for its highly engaging political narrative.