Jay Slater police launch huge new search for missing 19-year-old: Firefighters and mountain experts join search crews to comb through ravines, trails and paths in mass effort 13 days after his mystery disappearance

2 days ago 4

Volunteers successful the hunt for Jay Slater person joined a immense caller hunt across Tenerife arsenic the hunt for the missing 19-year-old enters day 13.

The 'army of volunteers' person answered the Spanish police's telephone for assistance and volition contiguous assistance them comb the rugged upland area where the missing raver disappeared. 

It comes aft the Guardia Civil connected Friday appealed for unpaid firefighters and experts successful rugged terrain to assistance successful a 'busqueda masiva', oregon monolithic search, to instrumentality spot today. 

The Spanish constabulary unit said the hunt volition statesman astatine 9am near to his last-known determination successful the colony of Masca and volition effort to retrace his last-known steps.

It volition beryllium a co-ordinated hunt and volition instrumentality spot successful a steep rocky area, with ravines, trails and paths each expected to beryllium searched thoroughly. 

The 19-year-old, from Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire, has not been seen since June 17 aft helium went missing pursuing a nighttime retired connected the infamous Veronicas portion successful Tenerife's Playa de las Americas resort. 

The 'army of volunteers' person answered the Spanish police's telephone for assistance and volition contiguous assistance them comb the rugged upland country wherever the missing raver Jay Slater, 19, went missing pursuing a nighttime retired successful Tenerife's Playa de las Americas resort on June 17

Jay called his person Lucy Mae Law (pictured), 18, to accidental helium was 'lost successful the mountains, with nary water, 1 percent battery' and helium had chopped his limb connected a cactus 

Spanish constabulary person released footage showing officers moving connected ft done immoderate of the unsmooth and distant terrain

Police person been concentrating their hunt connected a ravine further on the nationalist park, with caves adjacent Los Carrizales being investigated

The apprentice bricklayer past went backmost to the Casa Abuela Tina Airbnb adjacent the rugged Rural de Teno nationalist park, successful the distant colony of Masca, with 2 men helium had met astatine the three-day NRG euphony festival. 

The proprietor of the villa said she saw Jay lasting astatine a adjacent autobus halt astatine astir 8am. He asked her erstwhile the adjacent autobus was to Los Cristianos, but erstwhile helium was told it wasn't until 10am, helium acceptable disconnected connected ft for what would person been an 11-hour walk.

Jay was past seen astatine astir 8.15am walking uphill adjacent the nationalist park. He past phoned his person Lucy Mae Law astatine 8.50am to archer her that helium was 'tired, thirsty and disorientated' with lone 1 per cent artillery near connected his phone. 

In their archetypal nonstop entreaty for help, a spokesperson for the constabulary said connected Friday officers were preparing a 'coordinated ample standard operation' today.

The hunt volition absorption connected the Masca gorge, astir 3000ft supra oversea level and which has been combed by police, drones, dogs and helicopters since helium was reported missing. 

But contempt the extended searches implicit the past 13 days, nary hint of Jay has been found.

It has been reported that the hunt today, which volition commencement from the Mirador de la Cruz de Hilda restaurant, could beryllium 'perhaps a last propulsion from the Civil Guard to marque immoderate benignant of headway'.

The apprentice bricklayer went backmost to the Casa Abuela Tina Airbnb (pictured) adjacent the rugged Rural de Teno nationalist parkland with 2 men 

Jay Slater's parent (left) said she's astatine her 'wit's end' and revealed his ex-girlfriend Jessica Ingham was among those who had travelled to Tenerife with him

Jay is pictured alongside parent Debbie and his older member Zak who person some who has urgently appealed for much accusation astir the 2 British men helium spent clip with

Jay's friends person flown retired to Tenerife to effort and assistance find the missing teenager 

Jay's begetter Warren and his parent Debbie are pictured joining the hunt for their son

It comes as:  

It comes amid disapproval of the Spanish for refusing an connection of assistance from their Lancashire counterparts past week, arsenic the hunt for Jay present enters time 13.

A connection from the constabulary HQ connected Tenerife said: 'Collaboration is requested from unpaid associations, civilian extortion teams, firefighters and adjacent individuals who are experts successful rugged hunt terrain.'

A spokesperson clarified that it was not asking the 'unexperienced' wide nationalist to articulation the search.

The GoFundMe leafage acceptable up to supply fiscal enactment to the household smashed done the £40,000 barrier. 

Spanish Police person been carrying retired aerial inspections successful the Civil Guard helicopter

The Spanish constabulary unit said the search, opening astatine 9am successful the colony of Masca, adjacent to his last-known location, would beryllium co-ordinated to instrumentality successful a steep rocky area, including ravines, trails and paths

It comes arsenic it emerged ghoulish visitors connected 'Jeep safari tours' are flocking to the Tenerife Airbnb wherever Jay spent his last hours earlier vanishing.

Although Jay lone spent a substance of hours successful Casa Abuela Tina, the villa erstwhile fashionable with hikers attempting to trek up the Teno mountains present appears to person go a tourism spot.

The roadworthy extracurricular the two-bedroom farmhouse is packed with rental cars of British tourists and groups taking photos from Jeep 'safari' tours, The Times reports.

One woman, who lives successful Birmingham and Spain, told the newspaper: 'This is our 2nd clip here. I asked to thrust this way due to the fact that I conscionable wanted to spot it 1 much time. I privation to get immoderate answers.'

'It gives maine existent chills,' she added.

The teenager's enigma disappearance has led to a fig of net sleuths flying to Tenerife to articulation the hunt successful the mountains.

Although Spanish authorities assertion the lawsuit has been clouded by 'inaccurate' conspiracy theories connected societal media, Jay's hopeless household person called successful the assistance of 1 TikTok sleuth - Paul Arnott.

The 29-year-old, who runs the TikTok relationship Down the Rapids and describes himself arsenic an 'explorer', has been searching for Jay since Saturday.

He has posted much than 70 videos since, racking up millions of views arsenic helium joins constabulary and sniffer dogs successful the mountains. He said they had been focusing connected 2 circumstantial routes disconnected the main roadworthy which pb to a h2o source.

'I'm gathering the household today,' Mr Arnott - who paid £400 for a formation from Fort William to Tenerife - told The Telegraph. 'I've been speaking with Brad's mum, Rachel. They wanted to bring maine nutrient but I said no. They said they wanted to conscionable me. They said they're truly arrogant of what I'm doing.'

Jay's hopeless household person called successful the assistance of 1 TikTok sleuth - Paul Arnott (pictured)

 Ophelia shared that Jay has besides asked astir catching the autobus from the country earlier making the travel connected ft - which was the lone way (pictured: Casa Abuela Tina)

In its Airbnb listing Casa Abuela Tina is described arsenic being a farmhouse wrong the 'unique earthy landscape' surrounding it 

It is known that Jay sent pictures of himself wrong the location and from extracurricular connected Snapchat to his mum and friends

The teen posted this Snapchat representation connected the greeting helium went missing successful Spain

New pictures amusement apprentice bricklayer Jay, 19, lounging by the excavation of the Hard Rock Hotel successful Playa de las Americas with dozens of different holidaymakers earlier helium went missing. Pictured: With friends Brandon Hodgkin and Lucy Mae Law

Dressed successful camouflage benignant swimming trunks the representation was taken connected the 2nd time of the NRG festival astatine a excavation enactment which was described connected societal media arsenic 'epic'

Also, successful the representation with her backmost to the camera successful a achromatic skirt, is Jay's person Lucy Mae Law, 19, left, and it was taken connected June 15 – conscionable 2 days earlier helium vanished

Holding a integrative cupful successful his manus (right) helium appears to beryllium lasting by himself portion Lucy (left) is talking to different radical of boys

The past confirmed sighting of Jay Slater, above, was astatine astir 8am past Monday by a pistillate who had told him the autobus was owed astatine 10am erstwhile helium asked

This is the CCTV representation the household of Jay Slater are hoping and praying is him - much than a week aft helium mysteriously vanished connected Tenerife

Canary Island constabulary officers transportation retired a drone hunt for missing Jay Slater in the Los Carrizales ravine

Jay's mother, Debbie Duncan said she 'can't convey Paul Arnott enough' arsenic she besides praised chap TikTok creater Callum Rahim and his friends for helping with the search.

She said the household were ignoring the unfounded societal media conspiracy theories which person threatened to derail the search. 

It comes arsenic constabulary connected Thursday started searching astir caves adjacent Los Carrizales, a caller country successful the Masca vale which they person not looked astatine before.

Two abandoned shacks wherever Jay's telephone past pinged person been the police's absorption truthful far.

MailOnline connected Thursday revealed caller photos of Jay chatting to friends astatine a edifice excavation enactment conscionable 2 days earlier helium vanished.

And connected Tuesday, the probe took a unusual twist erstwhile the politician of Tenerife revealed that constabulary were quizzing locals who claimed they had seen Jay 'watching the Euros' successful a barroom successful Puerto de Santiago - a coastal edifice connected the island.

Police successful Tenerife accidental nary 1 is talking yet astir halting the hunt for Jay.

The Civil Guard, which has been starring the cognition wherever the teen was past seen, said it was continuing arsenic mean connected Thursday.

Spanish constabulary hunt for missing teen Jay Slater successful the Masca vale connected June 26

On Thursday, a squad of officers turned their attraction to a caller hunt country successful the Masca valley

The Los Carrizales ravine wherever the hunt for British teen Jay Slater is being carried out

More sniffer dogs trained successful searching for radical implicit ample expanses of onshore were flown successful from Madrid and joined the cognition connected Tuesday.

A Civil Guard spokesperson said: 'The Civil Guard is continuing to hunt for the young British antheral who disappeared, carrying retired inspections of each the paths, trails and ravines belonging to the colony of Masca wrong the municipality of Buenavista del Norte.'

The unit besides released footage showing officers moving connected ft done immoderate of the unsmooth and distant terrain and others carrying retired aerial inspections successful a helicopter.

A well-placed root added: 'No 1 astatine the infinitesimal is talking astir the hunt being brought to an end.

'There volition beryllium a constituent erstwhile the cognition that is taking spot astatine the infinitesimal has to beryllium astatine slightest scaled back. But close present the hunt teams look to person decided they privation to springiness themselves much time.'

It comes arsenic Jay's parent Debbie Duncan revealed she is successful talks with GoFundMe to merchandise immoderate of the £36,000 successful donations fixed to an entreaty successful bid to assistance concern rescue efforts and 'living costs' successful Tenerife.

Jay's parent Debbie Duncan has revealed she is successful talks with GoFundMe to merchandise immoderate of the £36,000 successful donations fixed to an entreaty arsenic the household continues to hunt for him

The GoFundMe entreaty has raised much than £36,000 since it was acceptable up by Lucy Mae Law. Debbie Duncan provided an updateon Friday

Ms Duncan, 55, said the wealth would beryllium utilized for upland rescue, accommodation and nutrient expenses.

In a connection posted connected GoFundMe connected Thursday, she said: 'First, I would similar to convey everyone for your support, benignant messages, and bully wishes. It's hard to wrapper our heads astir what is happening close now, but we are not losing anticipation that we volition find Jay and instrumentality location together.

'We are presently moving with GoFundMe to retreat portion of the funds, which are being safely held. I wanted to stock that these funds volition beryllium utilized to enactment the upland rescue teams who are tirelessly searching for Jay.

'Additionally, since our enactment successful Tenerife needs to beryllium extended, we volition besides usage the funds to screen accommodation and nutrient expenses.

'I'm surrounded by fantastic radical who are by my side, but acold from their loved ones, truthful we'll besides beryllium utilizing portion of these funds to alert them to Tenerife truthful we tin enactment each different during these acheronian times.

'Thank you again for each your donations and support, this means the satellite to us.'

The entreaty was started past week by his person Lucy and reached its £30,000 people successful conscionable 3 days though immoderate contributors person expressed concerns implicit wherever the funds volition go.

Article From: www.dailymail.co.uk
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