Actor Jacqueline Fernandez has filed a petition in Delhi High Court, seeking that the case against her by the Enforcement Directorate be dismissed. Ms Fernandez is accused in a Rs 200 crore money laundering case involving alleged conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar. She was made an accused in the case in a supplementary chargesheet filed by the Central agency.
In the petition she has claimed that the money laundering allegations against her are false. Sukesh Chandrashekhar, who cheated Aditya Singh of Rs 200 crore, also trapped her, she has claimed.
Ms Fernandez has been accused of enjoying the proceeds of the alleged extortion of 200 crore from Aditi Singh, the wife of former Fortis Healthcare promoter Shivinder Singh.
In October 2019, Shivinder Singh was arrested in a case related to alleged misappropriation of funds at Religare Finvest Ltd.
Sukesh Chandrasekhar allegedly posing as a Central government official, persuaded Aditi Singh to pay him, promising to secure his bail.
He ran the scam from jail and convinced her by repeated phone calls to transfer the money.