The Uttar Pradesh Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) has arrested an employee of the Indian Embassy in Moscow, Russia, on charges of spying for Pakistan's intelligence agency, ISI. The arrested individual, identified as Satendra Siwal, was working as a Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) in the Ministry of External Affairs.
The operation unfolded as ATS received intelligence from confidential sources suggesting that ISI handlers were enticing Indian Ministry of External Affairs employees, offering financial incentives in exchange for sensitive information related to the Indian Army. The information being obtained posed a grave threat to India's internal and external security.
Satendra Siwal, a resident of Shahmahiuddinpur village in Hapur, was identified as a key player in this espionage network. He was allegedly extracting confidential documents by exploiting his position within the Indian Embassy in Moscow. The accused, motivated by greed for money, allegedly passed critical information concerning the strategic activities of the Ministry of Defence, Ministry of External Affairs, and Indian military establishments to ISI handlers.
Following extensive intelligence gathering and surveillance, Satendra Siwal was summoned to the ATS Field Unit in Meerut for interrogation. During questioning, he reportedly failed to provide satisfactory answers, eventually confessing to his involvement in spy activities. Satendra Siwal has been working as an India Based Security Assistant (IBSA) at the Indian Embassy in Moscow since 2021.