From Rishi in the rain, some questionable football skills, THAT awkward live on air moment from Grant Shapps, and Farage's milkshake: Most bizarre moments in the general election campaign so far

2 days ago 5

Despite the imaginable for a governmental earthquake connected Thursday, galore person complained that the predetermination run itself has been dull.

However, it has seen immoderate striking - and adjacent bizarre - moments.   

MailOnline has collected unneurotic immoderate of the astir memorable, from a monsoon arsenic Rishi Sunak pulled the trigger connected the poll, to the PM's alternatively un-silky shot skills, Nigel Farage's milkshake woes and Ed Davey repeatedly humiliating himself successful pursuit of votes.   

MailOnine has collected unneurotic immoderate of the astir memorable run moments, including the monsoon arsenic Rishi Sunak pulled the trigger connected the poll

Rishi successful the rain

The PM did not person a peculiarly auspicious commencement to his campaign, arsenic the heavens opened erstwhile helium was announcing the election.

Mr Sunak's large infinitesimal successful Downing Street descended into near-farce arsenic helium became progressively sodden during his transportation to the nation.

By the extremity of his code the premier's costly suit was soaked done - sparking wide hilarity connected societal media arsenic helium turned and squelched backmost to the celebrated achromatic door.

He aboriginal tried to laughter disconnected the moment, joking that helium had brought an umbrella to events conscionable successful case.

Nigel Farage was leaving a pub successful Clacton connected June 4 erstwhile a milkshake was thrown successful his face

Nigel Farage's milkshake 

Drama often surrounds Mr Farage, and truthful it was erstwhile helium made his archetypal sojourn to Clacton aft declaring helium would basal to go an MP.

The Reform person was leaving a pub successful the seaside municipality erstwhile a milkshake was thrown successful his face. 

It echoed an incidental during a run walkabout successful Newcastle successful 2019. 

Victoria Thomas Bowen, 25, has been charged with battle by beating and transgression damage. 

Rishi's dodgy shot skills

The PM came a cropper arsenic helium tried to amusement disconnected connected a sojourn to Chesham Utd shot nine astatine the extremity of May.

Mr Sunak - a Southampton instrumentality - attempted to dribble the shot astir immoderate cones, but repeatedly stumbled.

At 1 constituent helium looked similar helium was going to travel implicit the ball, earlier yet turning and kicking it sheepishly backmost to 1 of the youngsters. 

Ed Davey's bungee jump

The Lib Dem person has thrown dignity to the winds arsenic helium tried to get noticed successful the campaign.

Sir Ed has tried his manus astatine paddleboarding, a h2o obstacle course, and thrill rides astatine a taxable park.

But possibly the astir toe-curling stunts came today, erstwhile Sir Ed did a bungee leap - saying helium wanted Brits to instrumentality their ain 'leap of faith' by voting for him.

The erstwhile curate besides took portion successful a Zumba people connected camera, enthusiastically throwing himself astir successful a choky T-shirt and shorts.

Lib Dem person Ed Davey has thrown dignity to the winds arsenic helium tried to get noticed successful the campaign, including bungee jumping today

Sky News Deputy Political Editor Sam Coates was unveiling the results of a grim seat-by-seat canvass for Tories erstwhile Grant Shapps called his phone 

Grant Shapps hangs up connected unrecorded TV show

Sky News Deputy Political Editor Sam Coates was unveiling the results of a grim seat-by-seat canvass for Tories erstwhile his telephone started ringing.

It turned retired to beryllium the Defence Secretary, with Coates picking up and informing Mr Shapps that the survey suggested helium volition suffer his Welwyn Hatfield seat.

Rather than prosecute successful treatment connected air, Mr Shapps simply opted to bent up. 

Theresa May's doorbell message

Security cameras connected doorbells are progressively a diagnostic of campaigns, catching politicians unaware arsenic they canvass.

But the ex-PM turned the video to her vantage arsenic she near an endearing connection portion touring a neighbourhood successful Perth.

After ringing with nary answer, the outgoing MP said: 'Hello, my sanction is Theresa May and I americium present supporting Luke Graham, the Conservative campaigner for the wide predetermination connected the 4th of July.

'As you're not successful I'll popular a leaflet done your door.'

Theresa May near an endearing connection portion touring a neighbourhood successful Perth

Jeremy Corbyn's keepie-uppie fail 

Former Labour person Jeremy Corbyn showed immoderate little than silky skills successful a crippled of keepie-uppie successful June.

In a video posted connected the 75-year-old's societal channels helium is shown watching a young antheral juggle a football.

Once helium completed 100 touches without the shot touching the level helium passed it to the seasoned leftwinger - who promptly shonks it down the road.

Supporters likened it to an advert for John Smith's bitter successful which comic Peter Kay whacked a ball, shouting 'Av it!' 

Former Labour person Jeremy Corbyn showed immoderate little than silky skills successful a crippled of keepie-uppie successful June.

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