Election 2024 latest updates: Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer go head-to-head in final TV showdown in the race to be Prime Minister before country heads to the polls

2 days ago 6

By Jamie Bullen

Published: 14:01 EDT, 26 June 2024 | Updated: 14:55 EDT, 26 June 2024


Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer volition spell head-to-head contiguous successful the last TV statement earlier the state heads to the polls adjacent week.

The Conservative and Labour leaders volition look disconnected successful Nottingham unrecorded connected the BBC successful the Prime Ministerial Debate hosted by Mishal Husain.

Mr Sunak volition desperately beryllium hoping for a gamechanger infinitesimal to revive his flagging election campaign which has been hampered by the predetermination day betting scandal.

Follow our unrecorded sum beneath and articulation successful the speech successful our comments section 

Tories motorboat Labour taxation onslaught successful societal media blitz

If the Conservatives societal media relationship is thing to spell by we suggest taxation volition beryllium astatine the apical of Rishi Sunak's docket contiguous arsenic helium takes the combat to Sir Keir Starmer.

The enactment has launched somewhat of a blitz of onslaught ads passim the time suggesting Labour volition rise taxes if it wins the election.

Here are conscionable a fewer examples of posts that person been shared today.

James Cleverly - Shocks hap successful politics

 UK Home Secretary James Cleverly (L) and the Conservative campaigner  for Sherwood Forest Mark Spencer (R) airs  with a pint of brew  during a General predetermination  run  sojourn  to the Hutt Pub successful  Ravenshead, connected  June 26, 2024 successful  Ravenshead, England. The Prime Minister and Conservative enactment      person  presses connected  with the last  week of campaigning. (Photo by Darren Staples - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

James Cleverly is appearing to stay upbeat astir the Tories predetermination hopes arsenic helium insisted 'shocks hap successful politics' contempt polls suggesting nary different than a landslide Labour victory.

Speaking to Sky News, the Home Secretary said

Of people we privation to signifier a government, but if the British radical accidental nary to that, we've really got to marque definite that we support them from the ineptitude and dishonesty of a Labour government.
We are campaigning to get arsenic galore Conservative MPs arsenic possible.

Mr Cleverly volition beryllium among politicians successful the rotation country contiguous truthful expect to perceive much from him aft the debate.

Pictured: Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak get for BBC debate

The Labour person is successful the gathering and truthful is the Prime Minister

Sir Keir Starmer shook hands with Director-General Tim Davie arsenic helium arrived astatine Nottingham Trent University for the BBC debate.

He was followed by Mr Sunak who was besides greeted by Mr Davie earlier heading wrong the building.

 (L-R) Labour Party person  Sir Keir Starmer shakes hands with BBC Director-General Tim Davie arsenic  helium  arrives for BBC's Prime Ministerial Debate, connected  June 26, 2024 successful  Nottingham, England. BBC newsreader and writer  Mishal Husain chairs the Head-to-head betwixt  Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Labour Leader Keir Starmer successful  beforehand   of the workplace  assemblage  successful  Nottingham. (Photo by Phil Noble - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak shakes hands with BBC Director-General Tim Davie, arsenic  helium  arrives for BBC's Prime Ministerial Debate, successful  Nottingham, Britain, June 26, 2024. REUTERS/Phil Noble/Pool

Read: MailOnline's eventual canvass of polls up of July 4 election

Nigel Farage's Reform enactment person closed the spread with the Conservative enactment to little than 2 points with conscionable nether 1 week to spell until a perchance disastrous wide predetermination for the Tories.

Mr Farage's outfit are present little than 2 points disconnected the Conservatives, according to MailOnline's canvass of polls. One caller survey adjacent suggested Reform had taken a flimsy pb implicit the Tories.

Labour has maintained its adjacent 25-point lead, with seat-by-seat analyses predicting a bulk for Sir Keir Starmer arsenic large arsenic 240 – capable to unafraid a landslide bigger than Tony Blair's successful 1997.

Read MailOnline's eventual canvass of polls here:

Election betting ungraded astatine the apical of the quality agenda, canvass reveals

The polls person provided miserable speechmaking for the Conservatives passim the predetermination run and adjacent further backmost than that.

And this 1 is nary antithetic arsenic a caller canvass released contiguous has recovered much than a 3rd of the nationalist accidental the predetermination betting ungraded is the communicative they person heard astir astir recently.

As galore arsenic 15 Conservatives whitethorn beryllium nether probe by the betting watchdog implicit wealth enactment connected the day of the election, it was claimed today.

While Labour has besides been dragged into the ungraded aft it suspended 1 of its candidates for placing a stake connected him losing his constituency.

Stories from the run trail: Labour dragged into betting scandal

 Martin Lewis connected  erstwhile   to situation  your assembly  taxation  band

Before we look up to tonight's action, let's instrumentality a look astatine the goings connected successful Westminster today.

Here are conscionable immoderate of the stories published by our governmental reporters today.

See the video beneath for a afloat predetermination round-up:

Where is tonight's statement being held?

The battleground for the last TV showdown betwixt Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer is acceptable successful Nottingham Trent University.

Rumours dispersed crossed field this week pursuing the abrupt closure of 2 large buildings astatine the university.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Edward Peck told the Nottingham Post:

They took up the gathering past Friday evening, truthful our colleagues haven't been capable to usage it for 3 oregon 4 days.
Of course, we had to beryllium precise choky lipped astir wherefore we abruptly closed our large buildings. Some absorbing rumours started to look astir wherefore these buildings closed.
Most of our colleagues didn't enactment retired what it was until very, precise late, which is large due to the fact that it is simply a large information cognition for the BBC and the section constabulary. We conscionable played our portion by keeping shtum. It's been a fantastic challenge.

Meet the host: Mishal Husain to referee BBC showdown

 Jeff Overs/BBC/PA WireNOTE TO EDITORS: Not for usage  much  than 21 days aft  issue. You whitethorn  usage  this representation   without complaint  lone  for the intent  of publicising oregon  reporting connected  existent   BBC programming, unit   oregon  different   BBC output oregon  enactment   wrong   21 days of issue. Any usage  aft  that clip  MUST beryllium  cleared done  BBC Picture Publicity. Please recognition  the representation  to the BBC and immoderate  named lensman  oregon  autarkic  programme maker, arsenic  described successful  the caption.

BBC writer Mishal Husain is tasked with performing the relation of referee during tonight's statement successful Nottingham.

The Today presenter and newsreader is an experienced relation successful the format, having already hosted a statement involving 7 governmental leaders and elder representatives connected June 7.

The 51-year-old was not meant to beryllium progressive contiguous but stepped successful erstwhile her workfellow Sophie Raworth fractured her ankle during the London Marathon.

Speaking to BBC earlier the debate, Ms Husain said:

I spot the relation arsenic a privilege, but I cognize it won’t beryllium casual and determination person been times I’ve wished idiosyncratic other was astatine the helm and I could ticker from my sofa. But those moments pass.
These events travel astir seldom and person a precise peculiar prime - astatine their bosom is ideology unfiltered, wherever radical tin talk straight to those who person powerfulness and those who question it.

Preview: Rishi Sunak faces last predetermination statement arsenic helium tries to avert Tory meltdown

MailOnline's Political Editor James Tapsfield reports Rishi Sunak is gearing up for the captious last TV predetermination statement contiguous arsenic helium struggles to avert a Tory meltdown.

The PM volition look disconnected against Keir Starmer connected BBC One with hardly a week near until the state goes to the ballot boxes.

The primetime head-to-head clash successful Nottingham is seen arsenic Mr Sunak's past large accidental to revive his fortunes aft a nightmare campaign.

Read his preview here:

TV debates betwixt Sunak and Starmer - who has travel retired connected top?

 Photo by Jonathan Hordle/ITV/Shutterstock (14521013bo) Sunak v Starmer: The ITV Debateairing astatine  9pm connected  Tuesday 4th June connected  ITV1, ITVX, STV and STV Player Pictured: Labour Party person  Keir Starmer and Prime Minister and Conservative Party person  Rishi Sunak arsenic  ITV big   the archetypal  head-to-head statement   of the General ElectionPhotographer Jonathan Hordle/ITV (c) ITV - This representation   remains the Copyright of ITV and is made disposable  for escaped  editorial usage  until 4/7/24 - The time  of the General Election. No Archive aft  this date. Sunak v Starmer: The ITV Debate, Salford, UK - 03 Jun 2024

Tonight's statement successful Nottingham is the 2nd head-to-head statement betwixt Mr Sunak and Mr Starmer with the archetypal broadcast by ITV connected June 4 successful Salford.

Mr Sunak was declared the victor successful a drawback canvass pursuing that brushwood which saw some men interrupt 1 different forcing ITV big Julie Etchingham to intervene.

Sir Keir was wide considered to person performed amended than his counterpart during the Sky News predetermination lawsuit which saw some men instrumentality questions from governmental writer Beth Rigby and members of the audience.

The Labour person agreed to lone 2 head-to-head debates astatine the commencement of the predetermination run contempt Mr Sunak challenging him to look him erstwhile a week, meaning six abstracted occasions.

The leaders besides appeared astatine an lawsuit for Sun readers connected Monday.

Good evening

Hello and invited to MailOnline's unrecorded sum of the last TV statement betwixt Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer.

With the state heading to the polls this week, the showpiece lawsuit unrecorded connected BBC marks a last accidental for each leaders to pull voters and inflict harm connected 1 another.

With Mr Sunak flagging successful the polls, helium volition beryllium hopeless for a gamechanger contiguous arsenic helium seeks to revive the fortunes of the Conservative campaign.

Follow our unrecorded blog for updates from passim the statement positive absorption and investigation from Nottingham.

To ticker the statement tune into connected BBC One and BBC iPlayer from 8.15pm oregon you tin besides perceive connected BBC Radio 4.

Key Updates

  • Pictured: Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak get for BBC debate

  • Stories from the run trail: Labour dragged into betting scandal

  • Meet the host: Mishal Husain to referee BBC showdown

  • TV debates betwixt Sunak and Starmer - who has travel retired connected top?

Article From: www.dailymail.co.uk
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