Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has said that imposing a dress code in major temples is not acceptable. People should be allowed to wear whatever they prefer and having faith is important, he said.
“It is not right to prescribe a certain type of dress. I am of the same opinion. People who wear shirts can wear shirts. People who wear pants can wear pants, and those who wear sarees can wear sarees. We are not insisting on any type of dress, or we are not asking people to take off their clothes," the Chief Minister said at an event in Bengaluru.
He added that the "devotion must be pure. If people wear proper clothes, and don’t have faith. What is the point?”.
The Chief Minister's remarks came while he responded to veteran author K Marulasiddappa, who questioned the decision to introduce dress codes in temples.
Notably, the Vijayanagara district administration recently introduced a dress code at the famous Virupaksha temple in Hampi.
Published On:
Feb 2, 2024