The Madhya Pradesh government on Wednesday transferred Harda collector and Superintendent of Police (SP), a day after an explosion at a firecracker factory in the district killed 11 people and injured more than 200 others.
The General Administration Department (GAD) in the evening issued an order transferring district collector of Harda Rishi Garg.
The IAS officer has been made a deputy secretary, it said.
Garg will be posted in the state capital Bhopal in his new administrative role.
READ | Exclusive: Cracker Factory, Where 11 Were Killed, Did Not Have License
Earlier in the day, the state home department issued the transfer order of Harda SP Sanjeev Kanchan.
The IPS officer has been moved to the state police headquarters in Bhopal as Assistant Inspector General (AIG), said the order.
An explosion ripped through the fireworks factory located in the Bairagarh locality on the outskirts of Harda town, around 150km from Bhopal, and caused a massive blaze on Tuesday morning.
The state government has constituted a three-member committee headed by Additional Chief Secretary (Home) to conduct a detailed probe into the explosion.