: During inspection of the minister’s bungalow before officially shifting of new ministers in official residences in state, Chhattisgarh health minister Shyam Bihari Jaiswal on Friday alleged that many items including TV, ACs were missing from the residence calling for a probe. Reacting to the allegations, former Congress minister
Shiv Kumar Dahariya
said that it was an attack on his credibility.
The bungalow allotted to BJP minister Jaiswal was earlier accommodated by former Congress minister Dahariya who had recently vacated the residence as Congress went out of power in recent assembly elections.
Minister for public health and family welfare, medical education and twenty-point implementation programme departments, Jaiswal went to inspect the bungalow -C-2, located in
Shankar Nagar
in state capital on Friday when he expressed his displeasure with what was left in the bungalow.
He said, “Who takes away with him items like air-conditioner, telephone, lights, taps, modular kitchen platform and bathroom mirrors while vacating an official residence? The bungalow is in a poor state and the walls and many things are damaged. It not less than what
did after attacking India and damaged our temples, took away our valuables and gems studded in them. This is a theft of same manner. Things installed on wall were also extracted.”
Reacting to the allegations, Dahariya said that he vacated the bungalow only after receiving NOC (no objection certificate) from PWD and it’s an attempt to defame him, for which minister Jaiswal should be apologizing to me.
“Before levelling such allegations, minister should have checked with the concerned PWD on what was missing. All that I took with me was my belongings. As a former minister, I had installed few things as per my choice including few ACs, TV and cricket shed where my child played. It wasn’t installed by PWD and is my property, so I took them away,” Dahariya said.
He said that if minister wants, he can cross check with PWD.
Minister Jaiswal has made allegations on a Scheduled Caste Congress leader and he should apologize to me.
Jaiwals however, said that he has not named anyone in his statement and that it was a matter of investigation.