The mega consecration of Ram Temple is scheduled to be held in Ayodhya on January 22. A 51-inch tall Krishna Shila (Shyam Varn) idol of Lord Ram has been carefully chosen for the upcoming Pran-Pratishtha ceremony.
The idol, resplendent in Shyam Varn (dark hue), is set to be a symbol of divinity, royalty, and the pure innocence of a child.
Before undergoing the Yagopavit sanskar, the idol of Lord Ram will be showcased. The meticulously crafted idol is poised to be placed on a lotus-shaped platform within the Garbh Grah.
Ram temple construction committee chief Nripendra Mishra said the old Ram Lalla statue will be placed before new one, and it will be called "Utsav Ram". After January 16, both the statues will be placed in new Ram Mandir. Additionally, Lord Ram statue's eye cover will be opened by PM Modi on January 22.
On the historic occasion, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address all the Ram bhakts in India and abroad.
The vedic rituals for the Pran-Pratishtha ceremony of Ram Lalla (infant Lord Ram) are scheduled to commence on January 16, a week before the main ceremony.