Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan was mobbed by fans at the airport. In the viral video, Saif Ali Khan can be seen exiting the airport while fans take selfies with him. The actor remained calm and took selfies with almost all the fans. Recently, fans also mobbed Saif Ali Khan on the streets, making him uncomfortable. Saif Ali Khan's last film was 'Adipurush', where he portrayed the role of Ravana. He will next be seen in the Telugu film 'Devara' as a police officer.
Bollywood star
Saif Ali Khan
was mobbed by fans at the airport on Saturday, December 17. The video of the airport spotting is going viral on the internet. In the video,
Ali Khan can be seen decked up in a maroon kurta and denim pants and exiting the airport, while fans are taking selfies with him. The actor kept his calm, navigating through the crowd.
He also took selfies with almost all the fans who requested one.
Check out the video here.
Meanwhile, Saif Ali Khan was recently mobbed by fans. Fans mobbed the actor while walking on the streets trying to get into his car. A few fans followed him with mobile phones, and some even tried to touch the actor, which made him uncomfortable.
On the work front, Saif Ali Khan’s last outing was ‘Adipurush’, featuring Prabhas in the lead role. The film was based on the epic Ramayana. Prabhas played the role of Ram, while Janakai was played by Kriti Sanon. Saif Ali Khan essayed the role of Ravana in the film. Though the film was released amidst great expectations, the Om Raut directorial didn’t get much reception from the audience. However, the film performed well at the box office.
Saif Ali Khan gets mobbed by unruly fans for selfies, actor KEEPS his cool- WATCH VIRAL video
On the other hand, Saif Ali Khan will be next seen in ‘Devara’. He will essay the role of a police officer in the upcoming Telugu-language film. Directed by Koratala Siva, the film has Mahesh Babu in the lead role.