" is a highly acclaimed Indian television drama series that has garnered widespread popularity among viewers. The daily soap has consistently maintained high ratings, making it one of the top-rated shows on television. The show is now gearing up for an interesting twist as one of the lead characters will die in the show.
Adrija Roy
Sai Ketan Rao
essay the lead roles in the show.
Audiences will witness high-voltage drama in Imlie as Sai Ketan Rao will be seen donning a
South Indian avtaar
for the much-awaited upcoming track of the show. Earlier, there were reports of him quitting the show, but there is good news for all the fans about Sai Ketan Rao being a part of the show, and the audience will get to witness a different side of Sai Ketan Rao.
The makers dropped an interesting promo that showcases Sai Ketan Rao donning the cop cap; he will be seen essaying the role of a South Indian cop , Surya Pratap Reddy. The promo depicts the passing away of
and on the other side, it can be witnessed the encounter of Imlie and
Surya Pratap Reddy
who looks like Agasthya. It will be intriguing to witness the drama that will now unfold in the lives of Imlie and Surya.
Sai Ketan Rao, aka Surya Pratap Reddy from the Star Plus show Imlie shares, "Imlie is gearing up for a major twist, and I cannot wait for the audience to witness the drama that unfolds. I will essay the role of Surya Pratap Reddy, a cop from Hyderabad; this is going to be something different, and it will be one kind of experience. It will be intriguing to watch how this affects the equations with Imlie and how she will react when Imlie discovers that there is someone like Agasthya who exists."
"Imlie" has a dedicated fan base and receives praise for its unique concept, thought-provoking themes, and impactful storytelling, further solidifying its position as one of the top shows on television.
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