Since Friday, one news that has been grabbing the headlines in Indian cricket is Hardik Pandya replacing Rohit Sharma as the Mumbai Indians skipper. For 11 seasons, Mumbai Indians were led by Rohit Sharma, during which time the side rose to be one of the strongest ever teams in the IPL. The announcement from Mumbai Indians came after Hardik made a return to the franchise last month, following a high-profile trade from Gujarat Titans, whom he led in the past two seasons. Ritika Sajdeh, Rohit Sharma's wife, has now given her first reaction after the change of captaincy. It came on a social media post from Chennai Super Kings.
"2013 - 2023 : A decade of spirited challenge! Much respect, Rohit!" Chennai Super Kings posted on Instagram. To which Ritika Sajdeh reacted with a yellow heart sign.
After announcing the news of the captaincy change, MI put a heartfelt post on social media for Rohit.
"Ro, In 2013 you took over as captain of MI. You asked us to Believe. In victories & defeats, you asked us to Smile. 10 years & 6 trophies later, here we are. Our forever captain your legacy will be etched in Blue & Gold. Thank you, Captain RO," wrote MI on X, formerly Twitter.
Earlier in a statement on Friday, Mumbai Indians said the change in leadership was part of their future planning and thanked Rohit for his exemplary service to the franchise.
Mumbai Indians are the most successful IPL franchise alongside Chennai Super Kings who both have won five titles each.
Rohit, who recently led India to the ODI World Cup final, had been captaining the franchise since 2013 when they lifted first of their five IPL trophies.
The other titles under Rohit's captaincy came in 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2020. Mumbai Indians had made it to the play-offs in IPL 2023.
"We express our gratitude to Rohit Sharma for his exceptional leadership; his tenure as the captain of the Mumbai Indians since 2013 has been nothing short of extraordinary," said Mahela Jayawardene, MI's Global Head of Performance.