RFK Jr. 'won't take sides' on 9/11 attacks as he vows to do THIS about conspiracy theories if elected president

3 days ago 7

Robert Kennedy Jr has said helium 'won't instrumentality sides' regarding the 'truth' astir the September 11, 2001, violent attacks.

The autarkic campaigner for president, 70, said connected X connected Friday that it's hard to find what is simply a conspiracy mentation due to the fact that of the government's 'lying' - but added that helium volition propulsion for transparency connected the taxable if elected successful November.

Kennedy wrote: 'My instrumentality connected 9/11: It's hard to archer what is simply a conspiracy mentation and what isn't. But conspiracy theories flourish erstwhile the authorities routinely lies to the public. 

'As President I won't instrumentality sides connected 9/11 oregon immoderate of the different debates. But I tin committedness is that I volition unfastened the files and usher successful a caller epoch of transparency.'

Kennedy added that helium was referring to a 60 Minutes conception that discussed imaginable engagement from Saudi Arabia successful the 2001 violent attacks. 

Robert Kennedy Jr has said helium 'won't instrumentality sides' regarding the 'truth' astir the September 11 violent attacks

My instrumentality connected 9/11: It's hard to archer what is simply a conspiracy mentation and what isn't. But conspiracy theories flourish erstwhile the authorities routinely lies to the public. As President I won't instrumentality sides connected 9/11 oregon immoderate of the different debates. But I tin committedness is that I volition unfastened the files…

— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) July 5, 2024

The CBS conception enactment into question the national government's decision that lone al Qaeda was progressive successful the attacks. 

For decades, families of the victims person called for further investigations into whether the Saudis were involved, which the Saudi authorities has ever denied.

The fashionable conspiracy mentation that the US authorities covered up Saudi Arabia's engagement successful 9/11 is conscionable 1 of the unproven claims Kennedy, a notorious vaccine skeptic, has pushed passim the years.

Last September helium said helium 'didn't cognize what happened connected 9/11' and echoed the unproven assertion that 1 of the World Tarde Center towers 'wasn’t deed by a plane' but collapsed implicit an chartless reason.

Many conspiracy theorists assertion the 2nd operation collapsed due to the fact that of explosives, but experts accidental debris from the different operation aided its collapse 

Many conspiracy theorists assertion the 2nd operation collapsed due to the fact that of explosives, but experts accidental debris from the different operation aided its collapse. 

Still, Kennedy said past year: 'I cognize there’s unusual things that happened. … One of the buildings came down that wasn’t deed by a plane.'

It's been a rollercoaster week for Kennedy, who days agone denied that helium ever ate a canine aft Vanity Fair published an explosive exposé connected his past.

Kennedy slammed a Vanity Fair nonfiction that claimed helium ate a canine successful South Korea arsenic 'a dumpster of misinformation.'

Speaking connected NewsNation's CUOMO Tuesday night, Kennedy said: 'I americium a precise adventurous eater... I'll devour virtually anything.

'There's 3 things I wouldn't devour - I wouldn't devour a human, I wouldn't devour a monkey, and I wouldn't devour a dog.

'I deliberation I'd devour thing else, but I conscionable couldn't bring myself to bash those things, truthful it is simply a goat and you are what you eat. '

On Tuesday Vanity Fair published a heavy dive into Kennedy's agelong past of 'reckless' behaviour - chronicling his cause usage and allegations of intersexual assault.

The communicative claimed included an representation that supposedly shows Kennedy holding the charred remains of a dog.

On Tuesday Vanity Fair published a heavy dive into Kennedy's agelong past of 'reckless' behaviour - chronicling his cause usage and allegations of intersexual assault. The communicative claimed included an representation that supposedly shows Kennedy holding the charred remains of a dog

F said Kennedy had sent retired the photograph successful question to a person past twelvemonth - recommending his pal effort a edifice successful South Korea that serves canine meat.

The mag said a veterinarian identified the carnal arsenic a dog, arsenic the carnal had a telltale 'floating rib' recovered successful canines.

Metadata from the photograph showed it was taken successful 2010 - the aforesaid twelvemonth that Kennedy contracted a encephalon worm.

On Tuesday afternoon, RFK Jr. posted to X saying that the grizzled carnal wasn't a canine but a goat and the photograph wasn't from Korea but Patagonia.

He gave the aforesaid mentation during a Tuesday day quality connected Fox News.

'Hey @VanityFair, you cognize erstwhile your veterinary experts telephone a goat a dog, and your forensic experts accidental a photograph taken successful Patagonia was taken successful Korea, that you've joined the ranks of supermarket tabloids,' Kennedy wrote.

'Keep telling America that up is down if you want. I'll support talking astir the information that moving families can't spend houses oregon groceries due to the fact that our past 2 presidents went connected a $14 trillion indebtedness joyride, paid for by hard-working Americans,' the autarkic continued.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks astatine the Libertarian National Convention connected May 24

Vanity Fair's communicative goes connected to suggest that Kennedy could person contracted the encephalon worm successful 2010 from the 'dog.'

The campaigner has said that helium believed helium contracted the tapeworm from nutrient helium ate - though it's unclear wherever helium had that meal.

The VF communicative besides included claims that RFK Jr sexually assaulted a erstwhile household babysitter, Eliza Cooney.

Cooney reportedly told the mag that Kennedy groped her successful the household kitchen.

Kennedy has since said the nonfiction contains 'a batch of garbage', but erstwhile pressed by a podcast interviewer whether helium denied the intersexual battle allegation, helium said: 'I'm not going to remark connected it.'

Kennedy told the Breaking Points podcast connected Tuesday, 'I americium not a religion boy.

'I had a very, precise rambunctious youth,' helium told podcaster Saagar Enjeti. 'I said successful my announcement code that I person truthful galore skeletons successful my closet that if they could each vote, I could tally for king of the world.'

He additionally said the mag was 'recycling 30-year-old stories,' and insisted: 'I'm not going to remark connected the details of immoderate of them, but it's — you know, I americium who I am.'

Article From: www.dailymail.co.uk
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