Former MP Manvendra Singh Jasol's wife has died in a road accident in Rajasthan's Alwar on Tuesday. Mr Singh and his son were also in the vehicle involved in the crash and have been injured, police officials said.
Mr Singh, son of late BJP stalwart Jaswant Singh, was the MP from Barmer between 2004 and 2009. He had quit the BJP and joined the Congress in 2018.
Police officials said the former MP's wife, Chitra Singh, was killed in the accident, which occurred on the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway, near Khushpuri village. Mr Singh, his son Solanki Singh, and the car's driver were injured and are being treated at a hospital in Alwar.
A police officer said, "The car was headed from Delhi to Jaipur. Doctors have said the injured are out of danger."