Nurse, 66, is killed on the sand in Myrtle Beach by police truck on patrol: 'Oh my God, the scream'

1 week ago 4
  • Nurse Sandra Schultz-Peters, 66, was fatally deed by the conveyance astatine Nash Beach
  • Horry County Police Department said the operator has been placed connected admin leave
  • An probe into the incidental by South Carolina Highway Patrol is ongoing

By Laura Parnaby For Dailymail.Com

Published: 12:06 EDT, 17 June 2024 | Updated: 12:58 EDT, 17 June 2024

A beloved Myrtle Beach caregiver has been killed by a constabulary motortruck which struck her arsenic she laic relaxing connected the soil successful what appears to person been a horrific accident. 

Sandra Schultz-Peters, 66, was fatally deed by the conveyance astatine Nash Beach successful South Carolina connected Thursday afternoon, constabulary person confirmed. 

The formation was packed astatine the time, and horrified witnesses person recalled proceeding a shriek astatine the constituent of interaction earlier respective radical rushed to help.    

Onlooker Amanda Bilodeau described what happened. 'I heard and saw thing until I heard her shriek and it was the astir almighty scream, thing that you can't, similar thing from the movies oregon anything,' she told WMBF News

'It was conscionable similar axenic fearfulness oregon symptom oregon both. Immediately myself and astir apt everybody connected the formation turned astir and conscionable went running.'

Nurse Sandra Schultz-Peters, 66, was fatally deed by a Horry County Police conveyance astatine Nash Beach successful South Carolina connected Thursday afternoon, constabulary person confirmed

Photographs posted online amusement dozens of radical crowded astir the Horry County Police Department conveyance successful the soil during the aftermath. 

Another witness, Dennis Miller, said helium was among those who tried to escaped Schultz-Peters from beneath the truck.

'She was pinned underneath the vehicle, truthful a clump of men, we came over, we did our champion to assistance the car up disconnected of her,' helium told WMBF. 

Schultz-Peters was rushed to Grand Strand Regional Medical Center, wherever she aboriginal died, authorities person confirmed. 

South Carolina Highway Patrol said it is investigating the incident, portion Horry County Police said the serviceman who was driving the conveyance has been placed connected administrative leave. 

Schultz-Peters' brother, David Schultz, said she was good known astatine the formation due to the fact that she walked agelong distances with her dogs determination each day, sometimes arsenic overmuch arsenic 10 miles

Nash Beach was packed astatine the time, and horrified witnesses person recalled proceeding a shriek astatine the constituent of interaction earlier respective radical rushed to help

'What occurred connected the formation yesterday was a calamity and we cognize our assemblage is hurting,' the section said successful a connection connected Friday.

'Our hearts are with each those impacted by this loss. We besides cognize our assemblage has questions. We bash too.

'We person a work to guarantee the investigations—both outer and internal—occur without hold oregon interference. 

'Horry County Police Department is providing immoderate entree and accusation that South Carolina Highway Patrol whitethorn necessitate to implicit their investigation.

'At this time, the serviceman progressive is connected administrative leave.

'We basal acceptable to supply what enactment we tin to our assemblage and the household experiencing this tragic loss.'

'Sandy was astir apt the champion idiosyncratic I ever had successful my life,' her member David Schultz said

Horry County Police said the serviceman who was driving the conveyance has been placed connected administrative leave

Schultz-Peters' brother, David Schultz, said she was good known astatine the formation due to the fact that she walked agelong distances with her dogs determination each day, sometimes arsenic overmuch arsenic 10 miles. 

'That greeting that she passed, I was with her 3 times' helium told WNBF. 

'She is well, well, good missed. God enactment her connected this world for a crushed I judge and idiosyncratic took it distant and I'll woody with that down the road. 

'Sandy was astir apt the champion idiosyncratic I ever had successful my life.'

'It's sidesplitting me, it's truly hurting, truly bad,' helium added. 'I'm conscionable trying to support everything together, but I'm the 1 that's loosing it the most.'

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