The much-anticipated trailer of 'Karmma Calling' has been unveiled, featuring Raveena Tandon in the lead role. Released on January 9, 2024, the trailer provides a glimpse into the show, which is set to be available on Disney+ Hotstar. 'Karmma Calling' revolves around Indrani Kothari (played by Raveena Tandon), the reigning queen of Alibaug, as she prepares to confront Karma Talwar (Namrata Sheth).
Disney+ Hotstar unveiled the trailer of its upcoming series, 'Karmma Calling', starring Raveena Tandon in the lead role. The web show will premiere on January 26, 2024. It is adapted from the popular American series 'Revenge' by Ruchi Narain.
In a backdrop of glitz and glamour, entangled with deception and treachery, 'Karmma Calling' will see Raveena Tandon playing Indrani Kothari, the reigning queen of the Alibaug society. She is seen in a glamorous avatar in the trailer.
Watch the trailer here:
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Talking about her character, Raveena Tandon said, “Playing Indrani Kothari helped me explore a very different aspect of myself as an actor, it is unlike any characters I have played before . I am experimenting with my characters. Indrani is powerful, strong-headed and wants to maintain her position in the elitist society. She has secrets to hide but her life is altered in many ways as Karma Talwar enters the picture but she is not a woman to give in to her Karma that easily. Karmma Calling is a tale of the glamorous, powerful Indrani Kothari and the enigmatic Karma Talwar and it’ll surely keep the audiences on Disney+ Hotstar hooked.”
'Karmma Calling', will release on January 26, 2024, exclusively on Disney+ Hotstar. Produced by R.A.T films, adapted for India and directed by Ruchi Narain, the series is headlined by Raveena Tandon, Namrata Sheth, Varun Sood along with Gaurav Sharma, Waluscha D’souza, Amy Aela, Viraf Patel, Piyush Khati in pivotal roles.
Published By:
Trisha Bhattacharya
Published On:
Jan 9, 2024