A day after actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed at his Mumbai home, a suspect has been taken into custody after a massive manhunt that involved gathering technical data and police informers spreading out across the financial capital.
Visuals this morning showed the man being brought to the Bandra police station. Not much is known about him, and it is also not confirmed if he is the same man who had broken into the actor's home yesterday and attacked him.
The suspect was seen near the Bandra railway station after the incident yesterday, sources had said. The cops believe he had changed clothes before fleeing to evade being spotted. The police had formed 20 teams and has been gathering technical data and using informers to trace the accused.
Police teams were also camping in Vasai and Nalasopara in search of the attacker who had left Mr Khan bleeding when he confronted him. Cops have said that the intruder had entered 'Satguru Sharan', the 12-story building in the posh Bandra locality that houses the actor's four-floor residence, to commit burglary.
The cops suspect that the intruder was known to one of the house helps working for the Khans and that's how he gained access to the house without being caught on CCTV cameras in the lobby. They believe he was familiar with the building layout and had used the fire shaft to reach the top floors after scaling the wall of an adjacent compound, sources said.