recently launched the Galaxy S24 series of smartphones and teased the Galaxy Ring at its annual Unpacked 2024 event. However, unlike yesteryears, Samsung focussed a lot on AI – Collins Dictionary's word of the year for 2023. The South Korean company was pretty aggressive with the new AI features that are coming to its flagship smartphones – similar to when
launched its Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro smartphones.
Galaxy AI on Galaxy S24 series
The non-phone star of the show was Galaxy AI -- which is a different way of saying that the company is incorporating several AIs into its smartphones. Samsung even collaborated with Google, becoming the first company to be a Google Cloud partner to deploy
Gemini Pro
and Imagen 2 on Vertex AI via the cloud to their smartphone devices. Not just the Galaxy S24 smartphones, reports suggested that the company is aiming to bring AI to more devices.
While it cannot be called an AI event in the strictest sense due to a strong focus on showcasing AI-powered features in the new phones, Samsung was gung-ho about AI features. It is a known fact that Google’s Tensor chips that power Pixel smartphones are manufactured by Samsung.
At the event, Samsung did showcase some impressive AI-powered features in the Galaxy S24 series, such as the improved object recognition for photography, enhanced translation capabilities, and the Galaxy AI assistant's new functions. These demonstrations were presented within the context of the overall phone functionalities -- similar to how Google Pixel 8 series was talked about.
AI features in Galaxy S24
Samsung announced a number of AI-based features. Here are a few of them.
- Generative texts in Samsung Keyboard brings writing tones, translation and grammar suggestions.
- The phones will come with tools like Auto, object eraser, reflection and shadow eraser and generative AI-based editing options with lasso tool.
- Live translation for phone calls in real time and support for two-way translation as well.
- Live transcript that allows users to have a conversation with someone with real-time translation
- Circle to search with Google Lens: This nifty feature allows users to circle an area on the photo to run a search with Google Lens.