Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha celebrated their first Valentine's Day with a photo of delicious sweets. They had a grand wedding at The Leela Palace Hotel in Udaipur, surrounded by loved ones, including politicians and celebrities. Their celebration was filled with enduring love, sweetness, and affection.
This Valentine’s Day marked their
first celebration
since getting married, and Parineeti provided a sneak peek into their festivities by sharing a tempting photo of
delicious sweets
Check out her post here:
The photo was of a tray adorned with an array of tempting strawberry tarts, each decorated with heart-shaped accents. In a heartfelt gesture, Parineeti tagged her beloved husband,
Raghav Chadha
, along with a large red heart sticker, symbolizing their enduring love. Their first Valentine’s Day celebration since their picturesque wedding in Udaipur in 2023 was clearly filled with sweetness and affection.
Parineeti Chopra
recently ventured into the music industry, achieving a significant milestone with her debut live singing performance a few days ago. Her enthusiastic and supportive life partner, Raghav Chadha, shared glimpses of the actress during her concert on Instagram.
Actress Pareeniti Chopra and Raghav Chadha spotted in Kolkata recently
Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha tied the knot in a grand ceremony at The Leela Palace Hotel in Udaipur on September 24, 2023. Surrounded by their loved ones, including prominent politicians and celebrities, the couple exchanged vows and completed the saat pheras.