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Brands have used events as a way to generate consumer interest in their products for years. From temporary shop-in-a-shop concepts to large tentpole events, marketers now have a wide assortment of event tools at their disposal. As new event strategies continue to emerge, Glossy looked at the current events landscape by conducting a survey of 174 industry professionals and by collecting data on influencers’ social media posts about brand events.
Glossy found that publisher-hosted events are becoming a particularly useful marketing opportunity for brands since many publications plan to build their events businesses in 2024. Events took a hit during the height of the pandemic when stay-at-home orders eliminated publishers’ ability to host large, in-person gatherings. However, in the first quarter of 2024, slightly more than half of publisher respondents (52%) told Glossy they would focus at least a little on growing their events business in the next six months.
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