Friend Refuses To Share Umbrella That “Could Easily Fit 2 People” Just To Prove A Point

2 days ago 8

As Northern Europeans love to say, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.” This adage can be a great reminder to always pack a raincoat, an extra pair of socks, a jacket even when it’s warm and a hat, just in case! But when you’re traveling, making sure you’re well equipped for the elements can be a bit more complicated.

One person warned their friends multiple times to buy umbrellas while visiting Japan, as they knew rain was on the horizon. But when the friends ignored their suggestion, they decided to ignore the fact that they would end up soaking wet. Below, you’ll find the full story that was posted in the “Am I the [Jerk]?” community, as well as conversations with the team at Japan Wonder Travel and Andres Zuleta from Boutique Japan!

It’s always wise to be prepared for rain when visiting Japan

Image credits: ilonadesperada / Envato (not the actual photo)

After warning their friends to buy umbrellas, this person refused to share when the downpour finally came

Image credits: iviphoto93 / Envato (not the actual photo)

Image credits: 1247111622

“The weather is usually pretty steady, with days being consistently sunny or cloudy, but rain can be quite unpredictable”

Image credits: Sides Imagery / Pexels (not the actual photo)

To find out more about the weather in Japan and how to prepare for a visit to this beautiful country, we reached out to the team at Japan Wonder Travel. They were kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda and provide more insight into their country’s climate.

“Weather in Japan right now is quite unique, as we are currently in the middle of the ‘rainy season,’” they shared. “The weather is usually pretty steady, with days being consistently sunny or cloudy, but rain can be quite unpredictable. Rain is typically quite light, but we do have heavier downpours on occasion.”

We were also lucky enough to get in touch with Andres Zuleta, Founder of Boutique Japan, to hear even more about the weather in Japan from a local. “As Japan is an island nation, the weather is often unpredictable. In other words, it can rain at any time,” Andres says.

“There are particular times of year when rain is to be expected. For example, in early summer we have the tsuyu (or plum rains), a rainy season that begins around early to mid June every year. Similarly, there can be typhoons anytime from around May to October,” the expert explained. “But even apart from this, it can rain in any season, so we always recommend that travelers be aware of this.”

“If you see locals carrying umbrellas, it’s safe to assume rain is in the forecast”

Image credits: Pixabay / Pexels (not the actual photo)

As for how locals prepare for the rain, Japan Wonder Travel shared that they “typically use umbrellas and only really wear jackets when they are riding bicycles or if the rain is especially heavy.”

“Umbrellas are ubiquitous in Japan, and the most common way to be prepared for the rain,” Andres added. “Whenever rain is forecast, you tend to see people carrying umbrellas around in preparation. Basically, if you see locals carrying umbrellas, it’s safe to assume rain is in the forecast.”

He also noted that many hotels have a stock of umbrellas that guests can use for convenience on rainy days. “It’s also very easy to purchase an umbrella at any conbini (convenience store), and the cost is generally quite reasonable,” Andres shared. “As in other countries, some people also wear raincoats, but umbrellas are the most widespread way people in Japan keep themselves dry when it rains.”

We were also curious about what visitors should bring along with them to help prepare for the weather in Japan. “Absolutely bring some kind of water-resistant footwear,” the Japan Wonder Travel team shared. “It will make a world of difference. Especially if you are a tourist, something that is water-resistant and good for walking would be best. It ruins a good day of sightseeing if you have wet socks all day.”

“One benefit of exploring when it’s rainy out is that you’re likely to encounter fewer fellow tourists”

Image credits: Maria Orlova / Pexels (not the actual photo)

“Accept that it may rain during your trip, whether you’re visiting during rainy season or not,” Andres noted. “We always recommend packing good walking shoes for rainy weather, just in case. It’s not really necessary to bring one’s own umbrella, though some travelers may choose to bring a small, packable umbrella. However, as noted above, most hotels stock umbrellas for their guests to use, and it’s also easy to purchase one while out and about exploring.”

“One benefit of exploring when it’s rainy out is that you’re likely to encounter fewer fellow tourists, so make the most of it!” Andres added.

But rain isn’t the only thing that travelers should be aware of before making their way to Japan. “Outside of the rain, this time of year is quite hot and humid. If you are in Japan around July-September, please be prepared for the heat,” the Japan Wonder Travel team shared. “Bring light clothing and have pocket money in order to buy drinks to stay hydrated.”

We would love to hear your thoughts on this story in the comments below, pandas. Then, if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda piece discussing travel drama between friends, we recommend reading this article next!

Many readers called out the author’s petty behavior, noting that a good friend would have been willing to share

However, some took the author’s side and agreed that they weren’t obligated to share

The post Friend Refuses To Share Umbrella That “Could Easily Fit 2 People” Just To Prove A Point first appeared on Bored Panda.
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