A flower show was recently organised at the Gujarat Refinery township in the city. The show that had over 70 varieties of flowering and vegetable plants was inaugurated by
Rahul Prashant
, executive director and refinery head and
Rashmi Prashant
, president of
Kasturi Club-JR Township
“The annual flower shows are organized in our refineries for contributing to a larger goal of inspiring floriculture and creating awareness about the need for environmental conservation.
We have carefully developed gardens and landscapes in our refinery townships and enhanced our living environment with well-nurtured trees and shrubs,” Prashant said.
The 45th annual flower show also celebrated India’s historic achievement of sending Chandrayaan-3 to the moon’s south pole through thematic displays. Floral displays on G20 success as well as solar trees and model on hydel power plant were displayed to spread awareness about environment sustainability and 2046 net zero goals of IndianOil.