Ahead of the high-octane Lok Sabha polls, Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar on Monday said a meeting of the Lok Sabha election committee will be held on January 19 in Bengaluru followed by a party worker's convention on January 21 in Mangaluru.
Speaking to reporters at his Sadashivanagar residence, he said, "The Lok Sabha election committee meeting will be held at Indira Bhavan on January 19 and it will be attended by observers from Delhi. The list of potential candidates given by the district in-charge ministers will be discussed during the meeting as the list of candidates needs to be finalised quickly."
"Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge will attend the Congress party workers’ mega convention in Mangaluru on January 21," he said.
Asked if the ruling Congress would announce the appointments to boards and corporations, Shivakumar said, "The list of appointments to boards and corporations could be out any moment. There is no question of delaying the appointments. All promises made during elections regarding roles for party workers will be kept."
He also touched upon the recent comments of BJP MP Anant Kumar Hegde and said, "No one with a sane mind will talk like that. It is a good thing that his leaders have understood what he said was wrong. Anant Kumar Hegde has to take care of his health.”
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On January 13, Hegde sparked a controversy when he said that the Bhatkal mosque in Karnataka would meet its fate similar to that of the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya, which was demolished in 1992 by Hindu 'kar sevaks'.
"The destruction of Bhatkal Mosque is guaranteed like Babri Masjid. This is not the decision of Anant Kumar Hegde, but the decision of Hindu society," the BJP MP had said.
A case was registered by the Karnataka Police against Hedge following his remarks and an investigation was on.
Published By:
Sudeep Lavania
Published On:
Jan 16, 2024
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