As many as 4.37 crore challans were received through the game changer virtual court initiative implemented in 20 states, which led to a collection of Rs 502 crore in fines, CJI D Y Chandrachud on Sunday said, adding that this has resulted in the judiciary surpassing Indian Railways in terms of total electronic transactions.
NEW DELHI: As many as 4.37 crore challans were received through the game changer
virtual court initiative
implemented in 20 states, which led to a collection of Rs 502 crore in fines, CJI D Y Chandrachud on Sunday said, adding that this has resulted in the judiciary surpassing Indian
in terms of total electronic transactions.
Taking PM Modi, SC judges, former CJIs and ex-judges and lawyers through a digital tour of information technology-infused reforms implemented in the judiciary, Justice Chandrachud said, "At the heart of these initiatives is the desire to transform the judicial system into a technology-enabled, efficient, accessible and environment-friendly institution."
"Together, e-filing, digitisation, paperless courts and e-office constitute the golden quadrangle of transformation within whose enabling perimeter, the Supreme Court is set to uplift the experience of everyone who is either a part of the judicial system or who comes in contact with it," he said while speaking at a function to mark the SC entering its 75th year.
He said the SC will soon migrate its digital data to a safe, secure and sovereign cloud. After the launch of an upgraded e-filing platform in May last year, allowing 24x7 filing of cases, nearly 1,28,000 e-filings have been done so far. E-filings, available in 25 states, have recorded over 29 lakh case filings, the CJI said, adding a lawyer can now argue his case sitting anywhere in the country or abroad through video-conferencing.