Actor Sunny Leone has become the first ever Indian celebrity to come up with her own AI replica in partnership with Kamoto.AI. The AI replica was launched on Wednesday at an event in Mumbai, which was attended by Ms Leone and the Artificial Intelligence (AI) startup co-founders Toshendra Sharma and Roshendra Sharma, among others.
Announcing the big news, Sunny Leone dropped a video of her AI clone introducing herself to her fans. Sharing the clip, she wrote, “I can't believe that this is me. Now all of you can call me or chat with me whenever you want!! For more details...check out Kamoto.AI and make sure you let me know what you ask my AI Clone.”
I can't believe that this is me ????????
Now all of you can call me or chat with me whenever you want!!
For more details..check out @KamotoAI and make sure you let me know what did you ask my AI Clone ????
Call me here:
Launching her replica, Ms Leone also warned against the deepfake menace. She told Moneycontrol, "Deepfake is disturbing, as an actress and as a human being. Being able to regulate AI content is necessary. With Kamoto.AI we are able to control the content that is coming out. You can ask my AI anything and the answers are authentic."
Ms Leone added that she believes there should be certain regulations on how content is created.
Claiming that with this AI tool users can control content and operations as they see fit, the actor said, “I think when you are part of a company where you are in charge of the content, in charge of your image and how you want to present it, then it is something else. I do believe that there should be some regulations on how certain content is created, about certain personal likenesses, images or voices, there should be a certain amount of regulation. And here with this AI, you can control all that.”
During her conversation, Sunny Leone revealed that she would love to talk to the AI replica of superstar Amitabh Bachchan. She said, “I want to do that for Bachchan Sir (Amitabh Bachchan)!”