The Prayagraj Police on Saturday attached an immovable property, worth 3.7 crore, belonging to late mafia don Atiq Ahmed in Noida.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (City) Deepak Bhukar said police attached Ahmed's house in Sector 36 of Noida under the Gangster Act of the state.
The attachment came as part of police action in the murder of Umesh Pal, a key witness in the BSP MLA Raju Pal murder case, who was shot dead in broad daylight on February 25, 2023.
On the complaint of Umesh Pal's wife Jaya Pal, a case was registered against Atiq Ahmed, his brother Ashraf, wife Shaista Parveen, Atiq's two sons, Guddu Muslim and Ghulam, and nine other associates at Dhoomanganj Police Station.
Atiq Ahmed and his brother Ashraf, named in more than 100 criminal cases, were shot dead by two people when they were being taken to a government Hospital in Prayagraj by police on April 15, 2023.