Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma shared a picture of a rare golden tiger that was spotted a few days ago at the Kaziranga National Park. The photograph of the rare tiger was originally taken by wildlife photographer Gaurav Ram Narayanan. Sarma shared the post featuring the picture of the "majestic" tiger on the occasion of National Tourism Day on January 25.
"Majestic Beauty! A rare golden tiger was recently spotted in Kaziranga National Park," reads the caption of Sarma's post.
See Himanta Biswa Sarma's post here:
Sarma's post garnered over 72.5k views as wildlife enthusiasts shared their thoughts and opinions in the comments section.
"True king of the forest," a user said reacting to Sarma's post. "This is beautiful Assam," another comment reads.
"It’s a grown up tiger, and how come it has not been spotted till now? Surprise !!! Luckily, no poaching happened. We need better vigilance for sure," another person expressed his opinion.
Gaurav Ram Narayanan had shared the picture of the golden tiger on Instagram with the caption, "It is Day 2 today on a private tour in Kaziranga. While we weren’t very focussed on tigers and were looking more for birds and rhinos. We came around a corner and about 800 meters away, something white came onto the road. Pretty sure it was a tiger, I looked through my lens and was in for a bigger surprise. It was the Golden Tiger. "
He also added, "Effectively at 1120 mm, there was still a speck in the frame. Drove a few 100 meters closer. Still wasn’t bothered by us. A bit closer, and he got up. At this point, I was anxious that we might lose him. Bold as he was, he walked straight at us. First the 2x came off and next I switched off the inbuilt TC. From 1120mm to 400mm, he kept coming closer and casually walked off. Incredible day! Incredible sighting! Incredible Big Cat."
rare tiger was spotted in the Kaziranga National Park in Assam. It was previously seen in 2022 as well.
Published By:
Ashmita Saha
Published On:
Jan 25, 2024