Flipkart is currently selling the 2nd-generation Apple AirPods at a massive discount. The AirPods 2nd-generation usually sells at around Rs 12,900, but it has received a flat discount of 34% which translates to Rs 4,400. After the listed discount, Flipkart is selling the AirPods 2nd-generation at Rs 8,490. Additionally, there is a bank discount of 10% (up to Rs 1,500) applicable on Canara Bank cards. After the bank discount, the AirPods can be purchased for Rs 7,641.
Apple AirPods is perhaps the most common accessory Apple users usually purchase as a part of the entire Apple ecosystem. That said, Apple currently has three AirPods models available in the market -- the AirPods 2nd generation, AirPods 3rd-generation and AirPods Pro 2nd-generation.
If you are planning to buy a new AirPods and you are on a tight budget, then the AirPods 2nd-generation is a good option to go with.
The good thing is that Flipkart is currently selling the 2nd-generation AirPods at a massive discount and this current price is lowest-ever we’ve witnessed in the last couple of months.
Apple AirPods 2nd-genration: Discount details and how to get it for Rs 7,600
Apple AirPods 2nd-generation usually sells at around Rs 12,900. However, it has received a flat discount of 34% which translates to Rs 4,400. After the listed discount, the e-commerce platform is selling the AirPods 2nd-generation at Rs 8,490.
But, there’s one more discount you can apply and further bring down the price of the AirPods 2nd-generation.
In addition to the flat Rs 4,400 discount, Flipkart is also offering a bank discount of 10% (up to Rs 1,500). The 10% discount is applicable on Canara Bank cards. So, the 10% discount translates to Rs 849 and after the discount, the AirPods can be purchased at Rs 7,641.
Here’s a table for your reference on how to get the deal.
Discount Type | Discount amount | Final price |
Listed Price | Rs 12,900 | |
Flat discount (34%) | Rs 4,400 | Rs 8,500 |
Additional bank discount (10%) | Rs 849 | Rs 7,641 |