Twenty-four trains to Delhi from various parts of the country were running late due to dense fog conditions, which continued to grip North India. Cold day conditions were likely to persist in the region till January 12 and abate thereafter.
Visitors at the Taj Mahal in Agra amid fog on a cold winter morning. (Photo: PTI)
Cold day conditions and dense fog continued to prevail over several parts of North, Central and Northeast India, with no relief expected until at least January 15, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said.
In North India, dense to very dense fog conditions were very likely to prevail for a few hours in the morning in isolated pockets of north Rajasthan on January 11 and 12 (Thursday and Friday), and may abate thereafter.
As many as 24 trains to Delhi from various parts of the country were running late due to dense fog conditions, the Railways said.
Dense fog conditions were predicted for a few hours in the morning in isolated pockets of Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Tripura from January 11 to 15, the IMD said.
Similar conditions were likely to prevail in the Jammu division, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, north Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Bihar, West Bengal and Sikkim on January 11 and 12. The IMD said cold day conditions could continue in some parts of Haryana, Chandigarh and Delhi, Punjab and isolated pockets of Uttar Pradesh on January 11 and abate thereafter.
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Such conditions were expected to prevail in the isolated pockets of Rajasthan on January 11 and abate thereafter.
According to the weather department, a fall by 2-3°C in minimum temperatures was likely over many parts of Central and East India during the next three to four days. Ground frost conditions were very likely over Uttarakhand on January 11 and 12, the bulletin stated.
Published By:
Prateek Chakraborty
Published On:
Jan 11, 2024