PUNE: Eight people, including two children, were killed after a pickup van collided head-on with a truck and an auto at Dingore village near Otur in rural Pune's Junnar tehsil along the Ahmednagar-Kalyan highway, around 10.45pm on Sunday, reports Gitesh Shelke.
The van driver - a vegetable trader identified as Omkar Maskare (30) - lost control while negotiating a left turn & crossed over to the opposite lane, crashing into the truck and then the autorickshaw.
The deceased included Maskare, his wife Komal (26), 4-year-old son, daughter (6) and an employee, Anmol Thoke (25), all of them travelling in the pickup van. The Maskare family, along with Thoke, was returning home after attending the wedding of Komal's sister in Narayangaon, additional SP Mitesh Ghatte said. The other three victims were autorickshaw driver Naresh Namdev Divate (66) and two passengers.